What is Map reduce?

MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating large data sets with a paralleldistributed algorithm on a cluster.Conceptually similar approaches have been very well known since 1995 with the Message Passing Interface standard having reduce and scatter operations.

MapReduce is a framework for processing parallelizable problems across huge datasets using a large number of computers (nodes), collectively referred to as a cluster (if all nodes are on the same local network and use similar hardware) or a grid (if the nodes are shared across geographically and administratively distributed systems, and use more heterogenous hardware). Processing can occur on data stored either in a filesystem (unstructured) or in a database (structured). MapReduce can take advantage of locality of data, processing it on or near the storage assets in order to reduce the distance over which it must be transmitted.
  • "Map" step: Each worker node applies the "map()" function to the local data, and writes the output to a temporary storage. A master node orchestrates that for redundant copies of input data, only one is processed.
  • "Shuffle" step: Worker nodes redistribute data based on the output keys (produced by the "map()" function), such that all data belonging to one key is located on the same worker node.
  • "Reduce" step: Worker nodes now process each group of output data, per key, in parallel.

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